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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  January 3, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. a young petaluma woman.ringing in the new year with a trip to tahoe.disappears. her parents frantic. as the sheriff's department searches snow-covered stateline nevada for 19- year-old alyssa byrne.
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>> her description fits a lot of people appear that night, with black your pets, and black ski jacket. black -- yoga pants... that describes about one- third of the girls that were of. that night. >> catherine: and now deputies are offering a one- thousand dollar reward in the search for alyssa. she was attending "snow globe," an electronic music festival is south lake tahoe that was held over the new year's holiday. she was reported missing here's the last picture taken of alyssa. her parents say they sent her a text monday night.but she didn't respond. her mother is understandably distraught. >> keep everybody sprayers and good thoughts here is no other option she is coming home.
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>> catherine: alyssa's father, who lives in tahoe, along with her friends, is helping search the area where she was last seen. deputies say they have no leads, but there are some clues they're investigating. and the we have three events. she got on a shuttle bus to come back to the horizon casino and her friends returned, separately. they attended a street celebration. after that, they passed her on the casino floor and in passing, say hello. and when you see a friend passing they continued on. we are very concerned. we have no evidence or evidence of criminal activity or foul play. this is highly unusual and out of character
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for melissa. she has not called anybody. she has not called anybody. so, we are concerned. >> catherine: deputies say alyssa's cell phone is either dead or turned off -- so they can't track her that way. the search has been suspended for the night.but will resume in the morning. and alyssa was active on social media in the days leading up to her disappearance. we've taken a screen grab of her twitter page. as you can see. she seemed to having fun at the snow- globe concert, saying "last night was amazing." and "playing in dat snow." but then - december 31st - her tweets take a turn.saying quote "after tonight you'll never be a part of my life." and "just lost all my trust in the person i trusted most." police say they're aware of these tweets and are investigating exactly when they were posted and whether they were actually posted by alyssa. >> here is a map. she was last seen at the resort and
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honest datelined nev. just across the state from the state line in california. one friend says that he saw her just after midnight. they did attend it the music festival at the lake tahoe community college. just 3 mi. away at the community college. but they are focusing the search are riled the casino and resort along highway no. 50. east of the lake. let me show you a closer look. they are also focusing the search are round the casino. the search row resume tomorrow. >> catherine: stay with us as we continue to follow developments in the search for alyssa byrne. we're sending a crew to tahoe and will have more information tomorrow. updates are also available on kron4-dot-com, and on our facebook and twitter pages.
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there's new information on giants pitcher sergio romo. he's now apologizing for his actions in las vegas. police say he got into an argument with t-s-a security at the airport on new year's day. this is a photo posted on new year's eve - showing romo at a vegas nightclub called haze. he's alongside 49ers player michael crabtree. sources say romo became "angry and aggressive" with a security worker.
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he was handcuffed and temporarily detained by police. there have been conflicting reports on whether romo appeared to be intoxicated. earlier tonight the giants e-mailed us an apology from romo. he says, quote "i would like to sincerely apologize about the recent events at the las vegas airport which brought negative attention to the san francisco organization and its fans. i love and respect the giants, my teammates and our fans and promise to conduct myself in the future in the "san francisco giants way." >> federal agents have made a large child porn bust , involving more than 120 children. u-s immigration and customs enforcement, known as ice. arrested more then 200 people - three of them here in the bay area. suspects. >> these children range in age from under 3 years old to 17 years old they have rescued 34 of them from their abusers. they have been exploited or adults
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that have been victimized as children. 37 of these arrests have been in california and three were in a arrested in sonoma county, sor leandro, and san francisco. including this man from s f o airport. >> he was getting ready to go to the philippines and he had child pornography in his possession. it could to beat that somebody that has a picture that has traded. >> reggie kumar, kron 4. >> jacqueline: temperatures are already dropping. as we take a look at the satellite and radar we are dealing with cloud coverage to the north ray flynn. and more clouds could move and
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overnight temperatures are not going to " be as cold. but we are in the 30's in a number of locations. 372 vallejo, concord, pleasanton. without that cloud coverage temperatures are going to be freezing. but we could see some clouds with cold temperatures. as to go towards tomorrow a bit warmer but changes will be coming with rainfall for the weekend. >> catherine: san francisco. we'll introduce you to sutro >> sergio romo handcuffed. and also the 49ers back at work. and the fiesta bowl. and also the 49ers back at work. and the fiesta bowl. there is no mass-produced human. so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dual-air technology
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that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. queen mattresses start at just $699. and right now, save 50% on the final closeout of our silver limited edition bed.
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>> catherine: visitors to the sutro bath ruins in san francisco have been pleased to find a new inhabitant of the old pools. a river otter, named sutro sam has been living in the large pool of the baths for a few weeks. he's been drawing an audience. river otters haven't been seen in the area for several decades. they were driven out by development. and while most wild animals are shy -- sutro sam seems to enjoy the attention. >> is so exciting, that he has even been doing a show. i never realized the cuteness of san francisco daughters. ♪ [ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists. [ dog barking ] ♪ no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u.
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♪ save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app.
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saving more, starts now. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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market. >> catherine: new home sales jumped towards the end of 20-12. in fact - selling at their fastest pace in two and a half years. and, as kron four's philippe djegal reports. existing home sales in san francisco are also on the rise. >> reporter: condos and existing homes.
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it's been a feeding frenzy. >> reporter: experts say they're selling and selling fast. homes are also selling at a high price realtor scott brittain with hill and company real estate says low mortgage interest rates are attracting buyers back to san francisco. he says thank sillicon valley for that. he says sellers are confident. and, buyers have the money. >> a lot of these tech companies want to live in san francisco. with only seven square miles, there's just a limited about of inventory. >> reporter: he says volume. the amount of homes available on the market also shot up 24-percent during the same period. brittain says this also a great time to buy because interest rates are at all- time lows. brittain says one reason for the surge in home sales is sillicon valley. he says tech employees once calling the suburbs their home, now want to live life in the city. in san francisco, philippe
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>> former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords will visit newtown, connecticut friday. the scene of last month's grade school shooting. giffords was a victim of a mass shooting in tucson in 20-11. 6 people were killed, and another 13 wounded. the newly sworn in u-s house is expected to vote on an $9 billion dollar aid package friday for victims of super-storm sandy. a vote was supposed to happen tuesday, but speaker of the house john boehner stalled the vote. and a marin county man was arrested today after being accused of having sex with a teenaged girl - and threatening her if she told anyone. 36-year-old lucas santos will be in court friday. he was booked into the marin county jail on suspicion of rape and sex with a minor. the 17-year-old girl says it happened over a period of 6 months. his bail was set at $100,000. sensors designed to detect gunshots are now being used in oakland.
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they're called "shot- spotters" - and they blanket nearly half the city. today police said they'll move forward with the technology to curb a growing crime rate. kron 4's dan kerman has more. >> that is the sound of a recorded gunfire on the new year's eve. these sensors recorded the sound and it then showed the location of the shooting, how many rounds were fired and how many were being used. >> this confirmed the vital the affirmation that we needed. with blood, evidence, shell casings. this is vital information. we have not been able to have access to this in law enforcement as quickly. >> reporter: they were on the scene in less than two minutes. instead of having to wait 11 minutes for the
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911 call. they were able to gather evidence and also cease this assault rifle. capable of firing 100 rounds. >> these would pierce walls, bulletproof vests. unfortunately, we have seen weapons like this similar on the street increase. there has also been an increase on in formation that make this information more readily available. >> this is the perfect loo combination of crime- fighting with officers on the street. >> as good as this technology is it really comes down to having a team of officers to follow up on these alerts. that is what they had on the new year's
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eve. will they have this on a regular basis? they're going to try to do this more regularly. but it comes down to an issue of manpower. dan kerman, kron 4. >> jacqueline: and another cold night. temperatures are going to be in the 30's. as to go for the weekend some changes with revo approaching. this live look at the satellite and radar with clouds coming in from the north bay. otherwise, we are clear. clouds double rotate for the overnight hours that will keep us warmer. still, cold in a number of locations in santa rosa. 30's in concord, livermore, the south bay. 37 degrees in half moon bay 37 also in oakland. for the afternoon, a touch warmer. a bit of a nicer afternoon with more upper 50s 58 in
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napa. and half moon bay. and fremont. as for that rainfall on a saturday. here is a lock. the rainfall will be approaching to the bay on saturday. this is as far as the computer model will go. heavy rainfall and as we go towards 10:00 p.m.-10:00 a.m. with a look to your extended forecast. saturday, we are going to look at the temperatures change. and the showers are expected to make temperatures change. and the showers are expected to make a c[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. if your resolution is saving money, safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. now's a good time to pack your lunches. lean cuisine is just $1.99. yoplait yogurt is just 50 cents. resolutions, kept.
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and charmin is $13.99 for 30 double rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dual-air technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. queen mattresses start at just $699. and right now, save 50% on the final closeout of our silver limited edition bed.
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>> good evening, everybody. from ucla, mike montgomery. this was a pre-season and now the scout. 61-57, ucla. they credit for most of the game and they did come back but kyle anderson puts them
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up by sex.and muhammed, one of the most /+ outstanding. after kyle put up 6 stanford opening at usc. the trojans up by two. game tied at 69. u.s. see has up enough to have one last chance.71-69. stanford loses. the 49ers are looking for three more of these. >> back-to-back division champions to pass this? >> nobody! >> after the 49ers took a
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couple of days off they are back in and practice. justin smith. this is the guy that plugs up everything. with this toward tricep attendant. >> just go out there and play. >> one more time the 49ers are off this weekend. they will find out who their opponent will be a week from saturday for a 5:00 p.m. start at candlestick park. the word tonight is that the most successful coach will be stepping down. indications are that de la salle football bob ladouceur will announce his retirement after 34 seasons and 399 wins... the school has called a press
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conference for tomorrow consistently he has been ranked in the top 10 for the past 15 years. still holds the national record. consecutive victories that was in the '90s151 that could happen tomorrow where he says that heat is done with the pressure. should be about 3:00 p.m.. college football with alabama and notre dame and already there are three teams interviewing him. anthony thomas, the 94 yds going all the way. and kelly says do not get me what he has three interviews. and no, no, the
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gatorade! and it does not happened. he avoided that. and again, 35-17 = oregon. sergio romo we will say this really quick. we've been mentioning that he is facing a misdemeanor in las vegas. somebody asked him for his identification. he forgot that you is not in the bay area. we hope that will blow over. >> catherine: good night.


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